Couples Counselling Services in Hamden

Couple counseling is a therapy option for couples who are married or in a relationship. It involves counseling with a target of improving the relationship or deciding whether or not to continue. Alternative Therapy LLC in Hamden offers helpful couple counseling that helps couples communicate better, understand each other, and build new connections of trust. The following factors will help you know when the time is ready to get couple counseling.

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Couple screaming at each other, with digitally illustrated exclamation points drawn on a blackboard.

Communication Leads to Fights

Communication is crucial for any relationship to work, and communications leading to arguments and fights or are harmful should be a sign to seek couple counseling. A couples counselor will help both of you recover and have productive communication.

Unhappy white couple sitting across from a couples counselor. The man is talking to the counselor concerned, while the woman is sitting back with her arms crossed.

Keeping Secrets from Each Other

Keeping secrets from one another may ruin your relationship. For a successful marriage, total honesty should be maintained. Things with significance should be shared and handled to prevent problems. A counselor helps couples be more open to one another and build strong trust.

 A Black couple sitting across from a couples counselor.

Lack of Intimacy

In the first years of marriage, couples can struggle to keep up with some physical intimacy levels. However, struggling to be intimate with your partner for a long time may result in a failed marriage. Instead, lack of intimacy should signal you to get help from a counselor. After therapy, you will be able to return the spark in your relationship and save the marriage.

Man sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, while a woman sleeps in the bed in the background.

One of You is Unfaithful

Having an unfaithful partner can be a challenge to overcome since it shows that trust between you has been violated. However, it is rare for unfaithful partners to act without reason, meaning both of you need to get help. Marriage counseling helps couples understand each other and fix underlying problems.

Couples’ counseling should be a mutual decision for it to work effectively. Alternative Therapy LLC in Hamden has qualified and experienced couple counselors who help revive marriages. You can visit our nor website for more information and connect with a counselor near you to weather the storm you and your partner are facing.

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